Entrance essay for college
Grade Essay Topics
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Making a Dissertation in Finance and Accounting
Making a Dissertation in Finance and Accounting All through your stay in school, you have confronted diverse composing assignments and we propose you figured out how to adapt to them, yet it is basic for you to realize that composing a paper is a totally unique undertaking. Sorry to blast your air pocket, theses are hard because of various realities which include: the need to compose 100% for unique, the utilization of broad examination and killing all cushion from your composition. In this way, to help rearrange your undertaking, some significant hints will be incorporated here to decrease your remaining burden. Theses are Original Pieces of Work The normal exposition is a long, formal archive that is composed to contend a specific theory or a subject. Its length indicates that you should utilize considerable data to talk about or protect the first musings identified with your paper theme. In this manner, the substance of an exposition is to pass judgment on your basic reasoning capacities and your capacity to state exercises learned not only an overflowing of realities in your paper. Thoughts and Analysis must be upheld with Facts Information or composed data give the spine to realities, and each paper subject must be lit up with the utilization of supporting realities making your point very much contended or giving a conversation through your idea designs and the end they lead to. In this way, it is critical to accomplish the required work which might be logical examination or in money and bookkeeping, factual exploration to think of the realities expected to loan validity to your work. In conclusion, note that each announcement in a paper must be upheld up with supporting information. Sort out your Work Amazing expositions are ordered by the measure of work you put into organizing the data you incorporate into the last draft. Despite how great your exploration results are, in the event that they are not introduced in such a way, that improves the clarity of your thesis, your outcomes are naturally sabotaged. So making an underlying layout for drafting your exposition or utilizing the allocated format gave by your school will go far in helping you sort out the whole thesis paying little mind to its promise check. Syntactic Correctness is Key An exposition is the delegated gem of all that you have goneâ through over the span of a school year or the whole quest for your degree. In this manner, you can't bear the cost of being lazy with your utilization of English when composing the most significant bit of your school profession. The way to remaining on the correct side of linguistic correctnessâ is to continually alter your work just as exploit the abilities of an accomplished author by requesting help in altering your exposition. Taking everything into account, the work you are relied upon to place in when composing a thesis is a long ways from what you have recently done in your exposition composing class. Along these lines, a bit of arranging, steadiness and persistence wouldn’t go awry if accomplishing the most ideal score is your own objective. To help the data gave here, additional perusing materials, for example, 10 realities for an exposition in money and bookkeeping ought to likewise be counseled. At last, in the event that you are having a few difficulties with concocting a theme, the article 20 subjects for an exposition in money and bookkeeping will most likely direct you.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Belarus essays
Belarus articles On August 25, 1991 the Republic of Belarus picked up its autonomy from the Soviet Union.The Republic of Belarus had perceived the city of Minsk as its capital. Landlocked in Eastern Europe, Belarus has an all out region of 207,600 sq km, including no obvious water regions. Belarus has 3,098 km of fringe neighboring 5 distinct nations. Belarus is basically contained for the most part of level land with a decent arrangement of marshland. This land can be plunged into 5 land utilizes: arable land 29%, lasting harvests 1%, perpetual fields 15%, timberlands and forest 34%, other 21% (1993 est.). Belarus by and large has cool and sodden summers with cold and now and again brutal winters. Belarus principle characteristic assets comprise of peat stores, timberlands, and little amounts of gaseous petrol and oil. Since Minsks freedom in 1944 its populace has consistently expanded from 50,000 to 1,672,000 individuals as (1995 est.), qualifying it as the biggest city in Belarus. Barring Minsk, Belarus top 5 urban areas by populace all together are: Homjel', Mahiljow, Vicebsk, Hrodna, and Brst (2001 est.). 99.9 % of all power in Belarus is delivered by petroleum products while 0.01 % is hydroelectric. Every year, Belarus produces 24.911 billion kWh while the utilization of kWh is at 27.647 billion kWh, constraining Belarus to import 7.1 billion kWh, despite the fact that Belarus exports 2.62 billion kWh. The main natural issues tormenting Belarus are soil contamination from extreme pesticide use and atomic aftermath in the south from the 1986 Chernobyl mishap. Belarus has a populace of 10,350,194, developing at a pace of - .15% every year. Belarus has a populace thickness of 50.10 individuals/sq km, at present positioned 147th on the planet. Belarus has a death pace of 13.97 passings/1,000 populace and a newborn child death pace of 14.38 passings/1,000 live births. Belarus proportions are: under 15 years: 1.04 male(s)/female ... <!
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Demystified The Quantitative and Language Resume COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
Demystified The Quantitative and Language Resume COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog One of the most challenging parts of the application process at SIPA is the Quantitative and Language Resume (judged by the amount of questions we get about how to craft it). Although there is a helpful template on our website, it wont help you know exactly what do put in it, which is what this post is for. What is the Quantitative and Language Resume for? The Quantitative and Language Resume is basically a tally of, in your own words, the quantitative experience (both academic and professional) and linguistic exposure you posses. Your content should show you can keep up with the required courses for the degree program you are applying to. For example, if you are applying to the Economic and Political Development concentration at SIPA as an MIA/MPA candidate, you might want to show proficiency in a second language. While its not needed to apply, you will need proficiency to graduate. Depending on your specialization, you might need to take upper-level quantitative analysis and economics courses at SIPA. Therefore, your Quantitative and Language Resume should include the relevant courses taken during prior study and details like the grade you received, textbooks and other materials used, and a brief summary of what was covered in the class. If its been a few years, the Admissions Committee understands! If you want to be exact, information like what the course covered could be found in your universitys course catalog if you struggle with providing these details from memory. You can supplement your course experience, or lack thereof, with any quantitative experience you may have accrued at work such as visualizing data for presentations or doing preliminary analysis for a report. What should I submit if Im changing careers or dont have a background in economics? If time at SIPA is a vehicle for switching career direction from the more qualitative to quantitative, some applicants take a few courses in economics or statistics at a community college or university, or request more quantitative projects at work to beef up quantitative skills and application. Planning ahead will increase your probability of being able to show to the Admissions Committee that you will be able to keep up with the economics and quantitative core at SIPA. If you have plentiful quantitative coursework or experience, parse out what is useful. Courses in Chemical Engineering are applicable, but if you have statistics and programming experience in STATA and Python under your belt, prioritize that. I dont need a language to apply, so what do I put in this resume? The language portion of the Quantitative Language Resume can strike fear in those of us who havent taken a Spanish class since High School. If you know that you are going to apply to a program without a language requirement ( e.g. an MPA in the Urban and Social Policy concentration), the language section can just be a elucidating footnote on your cultural competency. Even if you are applying for a course where language is a core component of the core, such as the MIA program or the Economic and Political Development concentration (regardless of degree), fluency is not a prerequisite. What this section of the Quantitative and Language Resume is trying to suss out is how exposure and commitment to the language or culture youd like to commit time to at SIPA. For programs that require it, in your two years at SIPA you should be able to test out or achieve a B or higher in the upper-intermediate language of your choice. You can come to SIPA with little or know background in a language and learn it here it will just take time. In fact, Amanda Schmitt 19 gave some tips on how to maneuver that in a blog post earlier this year. If you have a rich background in foreign languages, either through self-study, life experience, or taking up to 300-level courses during your undergraduate study, please elaborate on it to show off your international experience or outlook. Remember, fluency doesnt come from just listening to a few foreign language songs or watching movies, but from a concerted effort to learn or develop structured exposure. Put only what will show what foundation you have to build on through coursework. The Quantitative and Language Resume is one of the ways in which SIPA practices holistic admissions and how all of your experiences make you into a competent candidate with the potential to thrive here. Use it as an opportunity to show the steps youve taken to ready yourself for graduate school, your ability to follow our curriculum, and, most importantly, your potential as a Seeple.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Heroism in Beowulf Essay - 531 Words
Heroism in Beowulf A hero is one who is not only strong, but one who uses his strength to uphold others. A hero is humble, philanthropic, magnanimous and selfless, a humanitarian at best. In the unprecedented epic Beowulf, the tale’s namesake exemplifies every characteristic befitting an Anglo-Saxon hero. He is honest, loyal, and courageous. He portrays these characteristics in the battle against Grendel, the affray with Grendel’s mother, and the fight against the dragon that inevitably ended his life. Beowulf was a man of admirable exploits. He had the strength of thirty men in his arms, and would use this strength to aid anyone in need. Upon hearing of the plight of Grendel and the ill happenings in Hrothgar’s kingdom, Beowulf†¦show more content†¦Beowulf, being a man of distinguished valor, accepted the challenge whole-heartedly and made his way through the murky, dismal swamp waters and into the underwater cave. Though the jaunt was difficult, Beowulf was relentless in his pursuit. When he reached Grendel’s mother, the battle was long and hard, but the hero refused to surrender. He fought until the disconcerted mother gave up and died. As a token of his feat, Beowulf took a jewel-studded sword from the cave. To further celebrate his heroic feat, he decapitated Grendel and kept his head as a souvenir of his triumph. The last battle that Beowulf partook in was perhaps the most heroic of all. Although the battle ended his life, it proved that of all the men in the story, Beowulf was the only true Anglo-Saxon hero. All of his troops proved to be fickle. They abandoned him in a time when they were needed the most. Though his men lived, they lived as cowards, yielding to the dragon apprehended by all the Geats. Never the less, Beowulf’s strength of heart and mind gave him the will to fight the dragon, although none of his men were there to help him. In this part of the tale, Beowulf was older and his physical strength had dwindled. But despite this, his tremendous heroism remained. He fought the dragon to his death and died with a pride, gallantry and chivalry that no man at the time hadShow MoreRelatedTheme Of Heroism In Beowulf1139 Words  | 5 Pagesâ€Å"Beowulf†is the oldest surviving poem in Old English Literature. It is an epic poem, which is a narrative poem typically revolv ing around heroism. The poem emphasizes repetitively on how Beowulf is a hero. He saves countless people from countless monsters, three of which are the main antagonists in the poem – a demon, the demon’s mother, and a dragon. But is saving innocent lives the only factor to justify and determine a person’s heroism? Throughout the story of Beowulf, the author makes appealsRead MoreExample Of Heroism In Beowulf726 Words  | 3 Pagesmany texts that we studied, I especially enjoyed, Beowulf, A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning, and Morte D’Arthur. To begin, in the text, Beowulf, there was a theme of heroism which made the story one of my favorites. Beowulf is an outstanding hero who is willing to give up his life to save everyone. He has insane battles against scary monsters that no one else could even survive. In fact, those monsters raid the cities and eat people. In Beowulf, it states, â€Å"the monster’s scorn of men is so greatRead MoreTheme Of Heroism In Beowulf748 Words  | 3 Pagesof riches is often prefigured as an inclination towards greediness. However, in Beowulf, the collective reverence for wealth plays a defining role in the acts of heroism and manifestation of power. In fact, the poem oftentimes professes the idea of wealth and glory, most cherished, as an embodiment of strength and obedience among cultural values. Throughout the poem, Beowulf, is characterized by his acts of heroism in the Anglo-Saxon society. He not only possesses the values of strength and braveryRead MoreHeroism and Leadership: Beowulf1382 Words  | 6 Pagesselflessness to his tribe, personal valor, and ability to survive despite the toughest opposition. Heroism and leadership are characteristics that brought my fellow men to abide by my side despite the situation, which in response led me to become such an aspiring leader, and in the end a hero – the demonstration to attain glory through brawls. Traditions, natural laws, and religion are descriptions of my heroism and leadership. In medieval literature, heroes are defined to be courageous, valiant, courteousRead More Heroism in Beowulf Essay1449 Words  | 6 PagesBatman are heroes! They possess the two traits that are needed in western civilization to be considered a hero: wisdom and fortitude. These modern heroes have wisdom and fortitude. Did Beowulf possess these traits? Beowulf shows he is a hero through both his wisdom and fortitude throughout his adventures. Beowulf is a great hero because he possesses both wisdom and fortitude. Wisdom is one of the traits of hero, but what is wisdom. Wisdom is the ability to make the right judgment, the right decisionRead MoreTheme Of Heroism In Beowulf1544 Words  | 7 PagesBeowulf demonstrates the qualities and traits of being an ideal hero. In the poem it explores Beowulf ‘s heroism in two distinct stages which are youth and age. Beowulf has three separate and very difficult conflicts that involve Grendel, Grendel’s mother and the dragon. When you are viewing these major encounters with the three different people Beowulf demonstrates the importance of heroic code. There is a much clearer division between Beowulf’s adolescent heroism as a warrior as well as in onesRead MoreThe Importance Of Heroism In Beowulf1073 Words  | 5 PagesBeowulf is a classic, epic story which theme focuses on good versus evil, â€Å"Beowulf is essentially a heathen poem†(Bodek) said F.A Blackburn because it consists of elements drawn from Anglo-Saxons cultur e before they were converted to Christians. It is tidily divided into three parts; The battle with Grendel, The battle with Grendel’s mother and the battle with the Dragon. The poem deals with Germanic forebears, the Danes, the Geats and the Swedes. This story features a super-strong warrior BeowulfRead MoreGrendel and Beowulf Heroism1584 Words  | 7 PagesIntentions and Heroism A building is ablaze and a crowd of people stare helplessly from the streets, listening to screams coming from within. A single person runs in to rescues whomever he or she can find. Whether or not that person emerges with a child in their arms, empty handed, or not at all, does nothing to alter our societys perception of their heroism. Todays society would classify such an action as heroic, regardless of outcome, for one reason: intentions. During Anglo-Saxton timesRead MoreThe Characteristics Of Heroism In Beowulf857 Words  | 4 PagesHeroism Essay What really defines a hero? Beowulf has been known as one of the greatest heroes in Anglo Saxon history: Strong, brave, and a great leader who will lay his life down for his people. Heroes now, show many of the same qualities, but can come in many different shapes and sizes, some even in the shape of a kitchen sponge. Beowulf’s stories depict epic quests across new and foreign lands. He goes on these quest either to keep his people safe from monster, or earn fame and glory throughoutRead MoreTheme Of Heroism In Beowulf740 Words  | 3 PagesThe theme of Beowulf is heroism. Beowulf himself represents the heroic ideal because of his features, strength, and courage, but also because of his intelligence and honor. Beowulf is proud of his strength and great his honor. When Beowulf goes to Heorot, waiting for Grendel, he refuses to keep a weapon. He believes in himself that he can defeat the monster who has devoured many men without using any weapons. It turns out that Beowulfs intelligent approach was right. Glory is also one of the themes
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
On Dumpster Diving - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 1 Words: 345 Downloads: 10 Date added: 2017/09/14 Category Advertising Essay Did you like this example? â€Å"On Dumpster Diving†1. List modes/patterns of development Examples: Paragraph 24, 50, 26 Couse/Effect: Paragraph 25, 51, 66 Compare/Contrast: Paragraph 62, 67, 44 2. Identify audience and purpose The audience could be directed to people who are interested in dumpster diving and the purpose would be informative. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "On Dumpster Diving" essay for you Create order The writer informed his readers what he learned from dumpster diving and how to effectively acquire daily necessities from scavenging. 3. Define one word Transience: transient state or quality 4. Summarize the reading On Dumpster Diving†is an essay about a homeless man who shares his experiences on how he obtained his necessities while he was homeless and how to be most effective at dumpster diving. He goes over the different kinds of food commonly found in dumpsters and how to determine what is safe to eat, and what to stay away from. Location is also an important factor he considers. He learned that college student tend to be more wasteful than others, throwing out many good items, including food, particularly around the end of the semester when they have to move. Because of this, he describes the dumpsters in an area inhabited manly by college students and being â€Å"rich†. After explaining more dumpster diving techniques and identifying how wasteful the general population is, he ends the essay with two lessons learned. The first lesson is to only take what he needs, a found item he cannot use or make useful by trading holds no value. The second lesson learned is that material objects have a shelf life whereas mental things are longer lived. He states, â€Å"Once I was the sort of person who invests objects with sentimental value. Now I no longer have those objects, but I have the sentiments yet. †5. Answer one question: In addition to food, what else does Eighner scavenge for? Into what general category do these items fall? In addition to food, all of Eighner’s clothes, except for jeans, came from scavenging. He also acquired boom boxes, candles, bedding, toilet paper, medicine, books, a typewriter, dishes, furnishings and change. The general category these items fall under would be Eighner’s daily necessities.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Cost Club Human Resources Department Free Essays
Scenario Two: Cost Club Human Resources Department University of Phoenix Carlos Flores HRM/546 Human Resource Law Instructor: Christopher Fletcher February 26, 2010 Abstract The new assistant manager (AM) receives an e-mail from his the HR manager Pat Fletcher requesting downsizing the HR department from eight employees to five. He wants recommendations of the three selected employees to be terminated. An explanation of what principles of employment laws that might apply to the three employees. We will write a custom essay sample on Cost Club Human Resources Department or any similar topic only for you Order Now What action should management take in preparation if any of the three employee file discrimination case and chances of the company win. Recommended Employees Indentified for termination I have identified the employee for termination based on their work experience and job function that could be assimilated by the rest of the five remaining employees in the Human resource (HR) department. The following are: †¢Diane/Ten years of service- records specialist handling the health care issues and compensation matters for the company. Greg/Five years of service- have learned to do complex work however, not trained in real HR work. He has helped in the tech hiring process for the company. †¢Horatio/Six months of service- has been place in the HR department and has learned the basic of health and insurance however, not a full experienced employee in this area. The three employees identified are 2 male and one female. The principle employment law that are relevant to all three employee s is Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964- which prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Possible Discrimination case against Cost Club The possible three types of discrimination cases filed from any of the identified employees would be: †¢Race Discrimination-Horatio is Hispanic and the newest member of the HR department. He would have to prove because he is Hispanic and limited English language that the company is terminating him because of this factor. Another fact would be that he was hired based on a settlement with the EEO case and not following up with our commitment. I see this second part would not have any grounds because the company gave him an opportunity and hired him. The company in good faith placed him avoid any conflict among other company employees to place him in an office environment instead learning HR practices. He submitted an application to work in one of the stores. I view both facts non relevant because we did hire him and have placed him in a position which he did not apply for and he accepted the position and training we have given him on site†¦ †¢Gender Discrimination-Diane is female and has been with the company for some time. Diane would have to prove that we are terminating her because she is female. This would be very hard to prove because we have not discriminated based on gender and there are two other employees male and one of them is minority in the process of being terminated. Another fact is that the HR department has two other female employees. Diane is also aware that she had a minor attendance performance where we worked with her and still kept her with the company. The company also has other females working in the stores and this indicates that we do not discriminate against gender. Religious Discrimination-Greg cannot work on weekends due to his religious beliefs. He may try to file discrimination because he cannot work on weekends due to his religious beliefs. This would be difficult to prove because the company has respected and have made provisions to accommodate for him to be off on all weekends compared to the rest of the HR department that has to work on weekends when needed. The company would win in such case because we have provided attention to his needs. Management actions and Incorporating legal references Top management and the HR department should work together and be ready for any discrimination claims that any of the three recommended employee might file claims due to their termination. The HR department should meet with each of them in private in our office to explain the reasons why the company has decided to terminate them. We should explain to each employee the laws that the company follows and that the terminations is based on our economy, cost factors and reduction in workforce. Since each employee can file a different discrimination case by providing the reasons and the company projections they should understand fully of the current company situation. We should explain to them that their position will be eliminated and taken over by the more experience remaining employees in the HR department. The company should give all three each employee’s advance notice of termination so they can make necessary arrangements in seeking employment elsewhere. The HR department should provide all information as to their rights, benefits with documentation to the labor department so they can take advantage of unemployment benefits. Since this termination is beyond our control we should ensure that the process is done in a timely and professional positive manner. The HR department should have in our meeting with the employees documentation signed by all in acknowledgement of the company decision and their acceptance. In the case that one of the employee’s do not agree further explanation and any references of any government agency if needed. Discrimination charge response process The process we should follow in even the one of the employees file a discrimination case would be the following: †¢Listen to the employee and assure them the company understands their thoughts. †¢Prepare all documentation on the employee as to name, date for hire, performance reports etc. being ready in advance of such claim. †¢Consult with our legal team in the event the employee wants to fight the claim in legal battle. †¢We should cooperate fully with any claims from the federal agency on any investigation, documentation if we get notification on any discrimination case files by the employee being terminated. The HR department will retain five of the eight employees due to their years of experience with the company and some of them have already assumed a management role to support the department. The remaining employees can assume the new duties in a very short time with no negative impact toward the company mission and goals. The following employees will be recommended to stay in the HR department: Abigail, Brad, Charles, Edith and Frank. Comparison Table Employee Name Employment YearsCompany Human Resource ExperienceRecommendation to remain in HRRecommendation for termination Abigail – 7 HR Experience / Management roleRemain Brad – 35 HR Experience / Management roleRemain Charles – 20HR Experience / Recruitment roleRemain Edith – 25HR Experience / Employee RetentionRemain Frank – 15HR Experience / Multiple HR rolesRemain Diane – 10HR Experience / Insurance Compensation roleTerminate Employment Greg – 5 LimitedTerminate Employment Horatio – 6 monthsLimitedTerminate Employment References Bennett-Alexander, D. D. Hartman, P. L. (2007). Employment law for business (5th Ed. ). New York: McGraw–Hill. Retrieved February 26, 2010 How to cite Cost Club Human Resources Department, Papers
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Economics And Quantitative Analysis Higher Education in United States
Question: Describe about online universities that are facing challenges in sector of higher education in United States? Answer: Introduction The current study is focusing on the online universities that are facing challenges in sector of higher education. The report will be conducting various analyses of online colleges that are present in United States. Moreover, for the report 29 online colleges have been selected so that better result can be drawn. Background Online Universities has been growing at rapid speed that provides academic knowledge to the large number of students. On the other hand, the continuous development in the online universities has posed challenges to the higher education sector (Morrison, 2012). The online education database is engaged in forming better online colleges that are accredited. In US, the online college has grown in significant numbers over the past years. Methods The method that can be used for the particular study will be based on descriptive analysis, scatter diagram and regression equation so that better result can be generated. Moreover, the methods can be helpful in discussing the results and proposing a recommendation for the universities (McCormick and Lucas, 2013). On the other hand, in order to discuss the descriptive analysis, mean, standard deviation, minimum and maximum value will be calculated on the basis on retention rate and graduation rate so that better value can be drawn for online colleges in US. Results Descriptive analysis of retention rate and graduation rate Retention Rate Graduation Rate Mean 57.41379 41.75862 Standard Deviation 23.24023 9.865724 Maximum Variable 100 61 Minimum Variable 4 25 Scatter Diagram with retention rate Figure 1: Retention Rate and Graduation Rate Figure 2: Retention Rate Scatter Diagram Estimated Regression Equation RR(%) GR(%) (x-mean) (y-mean) (x-mean)2 (y-mean)2 (x-mean) (y-mean) 7 25 -50.4138 -16.7586 2541.551 280.8514 844.8656 51 25 -6.41379 -16.7586 41.13674 280.8514 107.4863 4 28 -53.4138 -13.7586 2853.033 189.2996 734.9001 29 32 -28.4138 -9.75862 807.3436 95.23068 277.2794 33 33 -24.4138 -8.75862 596.0333 76.71344 213.8312 47 33 -10.4138 -8.75862 108.4471 76.71344 91.21046 63 34 5.586207 -7.75862 31.20571 60.1962 -43.3413 45 36 -12.4138 -5.75862 154.1023 33.16171 71.48633 60 36 2.586207 -5.75862 6.688466 33.16171 -14.893 62 36 4.586207 -5.75862 21.03329 33.16171 -26.4102 67 36 9.586207 -5.75862 91.89536 33.16171 -55.2033 65 37 7.586207 -4.75862 57.55054 22.64447 -36.0999 78 37 20.58621 -4.75862 423.7919 22.64447 -97.962 75 38 17.58621 -3.75862 309.2747 14.12723 -66.0999 54 39 -3.41379 -2.75862 11.65398 7.609988 9.41736 45 41 45 -0.75862 2025 0.575505 -34.1379 38 44 -19.4138 2.241379 376.8954 5.023781 -43.5137 51 45 -6.41379 3.241379 41.13674 10.50654 -20.7895 69 46 11.58621 4.241379 134.2402 17.9893 49.1415 60 47 2.586207 5.241379 6.688466 27.47206 13.55529 37 48 -20.4138 6.241379 416.7229 38.95482 -127.41 63 50 5.586207 8.241379 31.20571 67.92033 46.03805 73 51 15.58621 9.241379 242.9298 85.40309 144.038 78 52 20.58621 10.24138 423.7919 104.8859 210.8312 48 53 -9.41379 11.24138 88.6195 126.3686 -105.824 95 55 37.58621 13.24138 1412.723 175.3341 497.6932 68 56 10.58621 14.24138 112.0678 202.8169 150.7622 100 57 42.58621 15.24138 1813.585 232.2996 649.0725 100 61 42.58621 19.24138 1813.585 370.2307 819.4174 TOTAL 16993.93 2725.31 4259.341 Regression equation Y = b0 + b1x b1= 4259.341 / 16993.93 = 0.2506 b0 = 41.758- (0.2506) (57.41) = 27.371 Therefore, the regression equation can be written as y= 27.371 + 0.2506x Slope Coefficient of determination Standard Deviation of retention Rate= sqrt (16993.93 / 29) = sqrt (0.80138) = 24.207 Standard Deviation of Graduation Rate = sgrt (2725.31 / 29) = sqrt (0.34019) = 9.69 Therefore, the slope coefficient (r2) is R2= [(1/29) * 4259.341 / (24.207 * 9.69)]2 = 0.39208 Summary Output Regression Statistics Multiple R 0.670245 R Square 0.449228 Adjusted R Square 0.428829 Standard Error 7.456105 Observations 29 ANOVA df SS MS F Significance F Regression 1 1224.286 1224.286 22.02211 6.95E-05 Residual 27 1501.024 55.5935 Total 28 2725.31 Intercept X Variable 1 Coefficients 25.4229 0.284526 Standard Error 3.746284 0.060631 t Stat 6.786166 4.692772 P-value 2.74E-07 6.95E-05 Lower 95% 17.73616 0.160122 Upper 95% 33.10964 0.40893 Lower 95.0% 17.73616 0.160122 Upper 95.0% 33.10964 0.40893 Discussion The two variables that are retention rate and graduation rate represents that mean of each variable are different. For retention rate, mean value is 57.41 and for graduation rate mean value is 41.758. Therefore, it can be analyzed that retention rate is successful in engaging the students in comparison to graduation rate (Bejou and Bejou, 2012). On the other hand, it can be analyzed that standard deviation of retention rate is high to 23.240 due to presence of large variable values in the retention rate whereas in graduation rate many variables has same value and due to that standard deviation is low at 9.86. Apart from that, two universities that is National University and Florida University of US has maximum value under retention rate whereas in graduation rate only Florida National College has maximum value but that too at 61 only. On the other hand, the minimum variable according to retention rate is University of Phoenix and in graduation rate is Western International University and South University. The scatter diagram that has been presented shows that the there is positive correlation among the two variables that is retention rate and graduation rate. As per the scatter diagram, with the increase in x axis there is also significant increase in the y axis. The retention rate as an independent variable also shows that they are positively linked with the universities and due to that universities are able to address growth as per retention rate values (Boden, 2011). On the other hand, it can be depicted that if there is growth of universities as per retention rate then the colleges or universities can also seek growth as per graduation rate. Apart from that some universities has less retention rate such as University of Phoenix and Western International University in comparison to graduation rate. On the other hand, the retention rate is higher as many students join the school and studies in same college next year (Haydarov, Moxley and Anderson, 2012). Moreover, it can be analyzed as per retention rate that a university has more pleas to the students. If there is one unit change in the retention rate then there is significant change in graduation rate. In the next calculation that is estimation of regression equation, it can be concluded that independent variable that is retention rate is linked with the dependent variable of graduation rate of universities. If the retention rates of students are high then it can help in improving the graduation rate of students in colleges (Heuser, Drake and Owens, 2012). The regression estimation helped in knowing the relationship between two variables that is graduation rate and retention rate and their dependency on each other. Therefore, average value in context to dependent variables can be estimated if independent variable is fixed. Apart from that, the dependent variable of graduation rate changes when there is change in the independent variable of retention rate. The estimated regression equation can be effective in predicting graduation rate on the basis of retention rate. The slope coefficient that is R2 which is 0.392 shows that almost 40% of variation in the dependent variable (graduation rate) can be define by the independent variables (retention rate). As per the Regression Statistics, the coefficient of determination is around 44% which means that dependent variable is explained by retention rate. On the other hand, the multiple correlation coefficients are valued at 0.670245 which indicates that there is positive correlation among the retention and graduation rate. Further, it can be concluded that the there is no indication of statistical significance between the retention and graduation rate correlation as it fall in the range of -1 to +1. Regression Equation provide a good fit The regression does not provide good fit as only 44% of the graduation rate variable is explained by the retention rate. On the other hand, the r square is not that high to show better results. Moreover, it can be analyzed that variables are not much closer to regression line as the variable fail to define 100% of the variance (Heyneman, 2012). Therefore, retention rate does not cover all the variance of graduation rate variance. The regression equation can be in the good line if the dependent variable would have been explained by more than 50% by independent variable. Moreover the SS residual value in analysis of variance shows that the given value representing dependent variables variation is not explained. Reviewing results as president of South University After having a closer look to the result, it can be presented that the performance of the south University is not quite good in comparison to other universities in US. The retention rate of south University is 51% which is higher in comparison to Western International University, University of Phoenix, American InterContinental University, etc. Apart from that, the graduation rate is low at 25% which may show that the student may not be financially strong to have a full graduation on time (Hoyert et al. 2012). However, it can be concluded that students are not able to receive the graduation degree on time can be due to less preparation or lack of resources. Moreover, the university retains students for longer time but when it comes to providing graduation degree, university fails in doing so. Reviewing results as president of University of Phoenix After considering the results, yes it is a major concern for the university and its performance against the other online universities. The university has a low graduation rate which means that university is not able to provide full degree course to the students in time and due to that university fails to retain the students. The graduation rate for University of Phoenix is 28% which is very low in comparison to Liberty University, Westwood College and some other universities (Letkiewicz et al., 2014). Further, the retention rate is low at 4% which means that Phoenix University is not likely to retain students as students transfer themselves Phoenix University to other university. The retention rate of the university is the most lowest in relation to other university of US such as Peirce College, Kaplan University, AshFord University, etc. Therefore, it can be considered that University of Phoenix has to improve their performance standard so that maximum number of students gets gradua ted from the university itself and also in due course time (Loft and Holt, 2010). Recommendations In order to improve the universitys retention rate and graduation rate, the senior management of the universities can follow the following proposals. Solve Academic Issues: The academic problem has to be solved so that adequate preparation can be provided to the students in order to meet the demands of academic of universities coursework. The content of the courses can be delivered in interesting way that can arouse interest among the students (Mybrcc.edu, 2015). Form Centers: For increasing the retention and graduation rate of students, the universities can form centers that can help in student success. The universities can provide centers such as Math and Science Tutorial Center or Tutor Lab that can provide great assistance in enhancing their knowledge and doing assignments with much positive approach. Communication: The universities can conduct conversation with the students and congratulate them for doing excel in the courses that can motivate them to pursue in the same university till the completion of the courses. Moreover, the importance of holding a degree has to be communicated to the students so that they do not leave the university in between the course (Roggow, 2014). Motivate: The students may feel de-motivated if they are not provided right guidance from the professors or teachers and it can lead to bad college experience. Therefore, it is important for the universities to provide right guidance and support to the students so that they can perform well and get higher grades. Orientation Program: The program can be helpful for the students to seek information from the faculty advisor so that students can make a plan for the forthcoming fall semester. On the other hand, students can be able to understand the way of using online registration system, academic requirements, etc. Therefore, it encourages students to complete the course from one education institution only (Units.miamioh.ed, 2015). Conclusion The challenges in maintaining the retention and graduation rates in universities is tough task as many students either transfer from university to other or due to some financial problem they have to leave the course in between. The study focused on different statistical methods to evaluate the problem and recommendation has been provided so that retention and graduation rate can be increased. References Bejou, D. and Bejou, A. (2012). Shared Governance and Punctuated Equilibrium in Higher Education: The Case for Student Recruitment, Retention, and Graduation. Journal of Relationship Marketing, 11(4), pp.248-258. Boden, G. (2011). Retention and Graduation Rates: Insights from an Extended Longitudinal View. 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